Daisy Ahlstone
At LiKEN, Daisy produces and edits film projects, primarily working with Sharing Successes in Agroforestry. They also serve on the communications committee focusing on external communications and web design. Daisy Ahlstone studies the occupational folklore and methodologies of humanities organizations. They explore ecology, legend, extinction, material culture, metaphor, community-research methodologies, civic professionalism, public work and collaboration, and videography in their research projects and professions. Daisy directs WiseFolk Productions, producers of the YouTube and Twitch streaming channel Folkwise, which increases public access to communities and conversations that support the study of folklore and creative communication in everyday life through digital content creation, public education, and direct community engagement. Daisy also collaborates with other folklore-related organizations on outreach and impact projects, including the Western States Folklore Society and American Folklore Society.