Stories of Place
Program Director:
Stories of Place and Mutual Care is an intergenerational, cross-regional storytelling program that focuses on the special places that shape community life in Central Appalachia. We aim to build civic space and community engagement through storytelling, other forms of creative expression, and coming together over a shared commitment to elevating diverse voices both in Appalachia, across the region, and beyond.
This is an important thread tying together all of LiKEN’s work even if it does not always address many issues directly, because Stories of Place creates a space for building relationships across social and political divides as well as across generations.
Recent Blog Posts
Stories of Place Martin County
Youth and elders in Appalachia share photos, memories and visions of the future, story-catching about the special landscapes of the Central Appalachian plateaus—the forests, coves, waterways, and species that shape mountain life - and the events of their lives. Creating artworks such as collage, painting, and poetry help students and others tell their stories of place.